
Wasting Company Time Stories

So I'm highly Anti-Capitalism, and my political views streak very far left. So I found it a very personally difficult when I applied for a bank position a few years back. I hate banks, they're just publically accepted middleman for your already meager wages. They've been caught countlessly defrauding people and yet they still get away with an outrageous amount of theft in fees and transaction stacking in my opinion. So why did I take the job? It paid much better than anything else in the area. So I did what I could to make it bearable. The absolute bare fucking minimum!! I intentionally wasted as much company time and money as possible. I'd call out the exact number of times throughout the year so I wouldn't get written up and after 6 months it would roll over and then I would start a new. I wouldn't do any up…

So I'm highly Anti-Capitalism, and my political views streak very far left. So I found it a very personally difficult when I applied for a bank position a few years back. I hate banks, they're just publically accepted middleman for your already meager wages. They've been caught countlessly defrauding people and yet they still get away with an outrageous amount of theft in fees and transaction stacking in my opinion. So why did I take the job? It paid much better than anything else in the area. So I did what I could to make it bearable.

The absolute bare fucking minimum!! I intentionally wasted as much company time and money as possible. I'd call out the exact number of times throughout the year so I wouldn't get written up and after 6 months it would roll over and then I would start a new. I wouldn't do any up selling, or the absolute lowest amount once I was written up. I genuinely loved helping people, but I wouldn't try and rush them out the door and I'd intentionally take massive amounts of time with customers just talking with them. Only getting back on track with them if my manager moved in closer. I'd point customers to free products and information that would help cover their needs or offered better rates. I would help my co-workers build up their skills esp if they were young and then give them job listings for better companies. I'd report any and all violations I ever saw butnot to HR, to the state. Including various times I had customers with obvious issues of transition stacking to rack up overdraft fees. All the way to the mundane things… shitting on company time, goofing off during paid trainings etc…

I never did anything illegal but I spent years there trying to be the best minimum employee that couldnt be fired and I was promoted quite a few times. I was a teller, banker, and an eventual manager.

When the pandemic hit the company offered paid leave for people at high risk (oddly super nice of them) I absolutely got on that (I was at high risk, I was going through so intense medical stuff at the time). When they stopped paying people for it though I didn't return. (They offered people the option to stay on leave with no pay)

I worked at home for an Hr company during this time so I was ok. Then I genuinely lost my job there, shit happens. I then found out shorty after the bank was closing its leave option for covid related high risk in a few months. So I then applied for a work place accommodation to be allowed to work from home (I was still experiencing a lot of medical issues). The bank placed me on a different approved unpaid for leave for this but denied my request for an accommodation requested by my physician. They agreed i had my diagnosis but disagreed with my doctor. So I just stopped responding to them. (Changed phones)

It's been quite some time almost a year now. I thought the email they last sent me six months ago was them letting me go. However I just got an email from them saying they wanted me to reach out and if I was ready to return. Hahahahahaha!!!

Thank you for taking the time and reading my post.

So should I try and waste more of their time? What are some of your stories?

Fuck Work!!

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