
Watching A Friend Get Crapped on

So my husbands friend works in the maintenance industry at an apartment complex. He got the job mainly because my husband was the maintenance supervisor there. My husband is now a director elsewhere. Anyway, they hired some dingaling technician from a nearby property that only ever vendored things out and just replaced things (he never fixed things) as the new supervisor. My friend literally watched the dingalin put WD40 in a dryer (for those of you that don't know, WD40 is FLAMMABLE) 🤦‍️Anywho my friend just got b!tched at for not having enough work orders done and mentioning the previous supervisor (my husband) and the community manager (she) who's a coward, called my husband lazy. Basically she called him lazy because she thinks the new supervisor completed all these work orders (which are popping back up because he didn't fix the problem) that my husband didn't. Just a reminder to…

So my husbands friend works in the maintenance industry at an apartment complex. He got the job mainly because my husband was the maintenance supervisor there. My husband is now a director elsewhere. Anyway, they hired some dingaling technician from a nearby property that only ever vendored things out and just replaced things (he never fixed things) as the new supervisor. My friend literally watched the dingalin put WD40 in a dryer (for those of you that don't know, WD40 is FLAMMABLE) 🤦‍️Anywho my friend just got b!tched at for not having enough work orders done and mentioning the previous supervisor (my husband) and the community manager (she) who's a coward, called my husband lazy. Basically she called him lazy because she thinks the new supervisor completed all these work orders (which are popping back up because he didn't fix the problem) that my husband didn't. Just a reminder to those that have no idea whats going on in the maintenance industry – don't be ignorant.

I think it's awfully suspect on how the new supervisor got hired (I work in the HR world before anyone comes @ me). He got hired extremely quickly after my husband left and my husband wasn't part of the hiring process at all. The new hire is also talking about quitting when he just started. I suspect the supervisor is connected to the community manager, because the community manager made it publicly known to the staff of the property she intends to leave after after September or try to get a promotion (which would be less than a year with the company). If my friend had something better lined up and we werent actively trying to kick him out, the cost of living wasn't so high, he would've likely left as it seems they're trying to push him out.

Someone who grew up in a family with 40 years of HVAC and maintenance experience (well over 80+ years if added on an individual family member basis).

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