
We Are Commodities, Not Expenses

To anyone doubting themselves and their value, please hear me: You. Are. A. Commodity. You provide a service. Even if you're untrained, you provide labour. If corporations can increase the cost of their products to match market value, why can't you? Don't let companies fool you into thinking they're doing you a favour by hiring you. You're doing them a favour by accepting/applying. They clearly have a need for labour, otherwise they wouldn't be posting. Obviously the job can't be automated, so they need you. We, collectively, need to start leveraging our labour. Be bold. Demand a raise. Set high expectations. If you asking for $5,000 more per year is enough to adversely affect a company, you should be asking yourself if that's a secure place to be working in the first place. They can either afford it and are lowballing you, or they're fiscally irresponsible and I, personally, wouldn't…

To anyone doubting themselves and their value, please hear me:

You. Are. A. Commodity.

You provide a service. Even if you're untrained, you provide labour. If corporations can increase the cost of their products to match market value, why can't you?

Don't let companies fool you into thinking they're doing you a favour by hiring you. You're doing them a favour by accepting/applying. They clearly have a need for labour, otherwise they wouldn't be posting. Obviously the job can't be automated, so they need you.

We, collectively, need to start leveraging our labour. Be bold. Demand a raise. Set high expectations. If you asking for $5,000 more per year is enough to adversely affect a company, you should be asking yourself if that's a secure place to be working in the first place.

They can either afford it and are lowballing you, or they're fiscally irresponsible and I, personally, wouldn't want to see how long it takes for an unexpected expense to make things even worse.

Demand more. Don't accept less. You are worth it. Even if you're the only person in the whole world who believes it, at least someone does.

And, I promise you, for as long as I am living, you'll never be alone in believing knowing that.

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