
“We are family and are looking for people for the long term”

This is about my brother Anyways, he started a job 1 week ago. 1 fucking week ago. This director was the one teaching him cause all the admin and other shit got put on her cause there isnt a person for it so she said she was under a lot of stress ( small family company ). Anyways, they fired him at 8am yesterday. Why? because she is too stressed and cant train him it would take too much time. They hired him 1 week ago knowing this. Now, heres the fucking kicker. Not a single thing was his fault. She, the boss of her/dad/brothers etc all loved him. The other colleagues, all loved him. Shes stressed cause too much work on her and probs being an emotional mess that makes shit decisions, guess why … cause their fucking admin system is a joke of non automated excel files and…

This is about my brother

Anyways, he started a job 1 week ago. 1 fucking week ago.

This director was the one teaching him cause all the admin and other shit got put on her cause there isnt a person for it so she said she was under a lot of stress ( small family company ).

Anyways, they fired him at 8am yesterday. Why? because she is too stressed and cant train him it would take too much time. They hired him 1 week ago knowing this.

Now, heres the fucking kicker. Not a single thing was his fault. She, the boss of her/dad/brothers etc all loved him. The other colleagues, all loved him.

Shes stressed cause too much work on her and probs being an emotional mess that makes shit decisions, guess why … cause their fucking admin system is a joke of non automated excel files and all kinds of other shit.

My brother automated the hourregister excel file in 30minutes. It would have saved them 3-4hours of work every friday for the hours. Which could have been used for other work so thats like 6-8 hrs a week used better.

And he was gonna automate every single excel file (THEY LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN USE THE FUCKING SUM FUNCTIONS FOR EXAMPLE) that they have and probs take more 80% of her workload off when it comes to admin stuff just with that. The rest he'd do himself, she could do whatever she wanted rly she wouldnt need to do any of that work then.

Now the juicy part.

As she was telling him about him being fired, he hadn't shown that file yet as he made it only the day before. So, when she fired him, 5 minutes later he showed the file and explained it. Said he'd do it for every file etc …. but guess not anymore.

She just looked disgusted at her self “yeah … that looks nice…..”

You gotta realize my brother made this on Thursday so they could use it Friday instantly and save on a lot of time.

Well …. idiots

Like … do they not have the mental capacity to see past the first 2 or 3 weeks? fucking hell man.

We laughed abt it more than being sad about it. Already referred to him to my company for 2 positions and he got an interview for another company next week (got called same day yesterday).

God people are fucking idiotic

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