
We are probably less than ten years away from French Revolution levels of violence.

I'm not saying it's definitively going to happen. I'm not saying it's going to happen anytime soon. But if things keep going like they're going. With no UBI, no minimum wage increase, no Medicaid for all, no student debt forgiveness; We're going to get to a point where there is going to be widespread violence. We're going to see the wealthy swinging from light poles, we're going to see assassinations, riots, fire bombings and the destruction of the infrastructure of the US. And I'm scared to death. I feel like I'm on a runaway train heading down the track toward a bridge that's out and there's nothing I can do. The ultra wealthy will never give concessions. “The man with a chain around your neck will never willingly let it go.” I'm afraid for the type of world my son is going to grow up in. It doesn't have to…

I'm not saying it's definitively going to happen. I'm not saying it's going to happen anytime soon. But if things keep going like they're going. With no UBI, no minimum wage increase, no Medicaid for all, no student debt forgiveness; We're going to get to a point where there is going to be widespread violence. We're going to see the wealthy swinging from light poles, we're going to see assassinations, riots, fire bombings and the destruction of the infrastructure of the US. And I'm scared to death. I feel like I'm on a runaway train heading down the track toward a bridge that's out and there's nothing I can do. The ultra wealthy will never give concessions. “The man with a chain around your neck will never willingly let it go.” I'm afraid for the type of world my son is going to grow up in. It doesn't have to be this way, but they're forcing the issue. It doesn't even feel like my vote matters because politicians only listen to money. I'm tired and worried and I just want things to be fair, or not even fair, equitable. I want to know my son has as much of a chance to succeed as a million dollar trust fund baby who gets to go to an ivy league collage because his dad went. I'm tired. I'm so tired.

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