
we aren’t allowed more than 3 people a shift, ever again

So these are the exact words our district manager texted us today. Team- some were copied yesterday, I expected your GM to communicate. But the world is getting more and more expensive. With everyone thinking they need more money for the same work performed. The cost of everything has gone stupid. Well that means you now pay more for the same crap but less of it. More and more companies must pay out more overtime because of the lazy people not wanting to work. Government assistance.. lazy… Well, as of yesterday the labor model changed. You must now hit at least $100 a half hour to get a 3rd person. So anything under that is a manager, an employee and AI (hi auto) and Thank God the company is spending the money on that system. (Hell you all know she shows up 80% of the time on time) more then…

So these are the exact words our district manager texted us today.

Team- some were copied yesterday, I expected your GM to communicate.

But the world is getting more and more expensive.
With everyone thinking they need more money for the same work performed.
The cost of everything has gone stupid.
Well that means you now pay more for the same crap but less of it.
More and more companies must pay out more overtime because of the lazy people not wanting to work.
Government assistance.. lazy…

Well, as of yesterday the labor model changed. You must now hit at least $100 a half hour to get a 3rd person.
So anything under that is a manager, an employee and AI (hi auto) and Thank God the company is spending the money on that system.
(Hell you all know she shows up 80% of the time on time) more then any person we really know with all the entitled people in this world..

Today already starting plus in hours.

Promise you, new schedules will be adjusted with the proper amount of people.
Cannot change the model, don't truly care.

But we or someone will follow the rules.
Promise you that….

Please have a great day.

If there is issues, take it up with the stupidity of covid and the stupid voting in higher rate of pay for entitled people.

They pay us managers $13 an hour, our company is still seeing profits (corporate wise). Now they expect us to do the work of multiple people at once, with no raise.

Also, for context, “hi auto” is a system that they installed to take orders. Rather than have an employee paid to do it.

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