
we can shut down crisis pregnancy centers like we shut down Kellogs attempt at hiring scabs. seeking IT logistical help for hiding/ blocking phone number and personal info, and seeking others willing to do the same in masse.

crisis pregnancy centers are religious organizations that present themselves as women's health clinics that provide abortion care. once a pregnant person is in their facility, they are manipulated and coerced into keeping the pregnancy by any means necessary. to the extent that the center (again, masked as a medical provider of abortion care) will schedule someone for an abortion, then repeatedly push back the appointment until she can no longer legally get one (this was before RvW fell, their job will be much easier now). read an account not long ago from a teenage girl who had this done to her, she had complications and nearly died before giving her forced baby up for adoption. seeking IT advice and collective action help gumming the fuck out of their operations on a mass scale. some allow online bookings, these should be easier to fake. specifically I am hoping for instruction…

crisis pregnancy centers are religious organizations that present themselves as women's health clinics that provide abortion care. once a pregnant person is in their facility, they are manipulated and coerced into keeping the pregnancy by any means necessary. to the extent that the center (again, masked as a medical provider of abortion care) will schedule someone for an abortion, then repeatedly push back the appointment until she can no longer legally get one (this was before RvW fell, their job will be much easier now). read an account not long ago from a teenage girl who had this done to her, she had complications and nearly died before giving her forced baby up for adoption.

seeking IT advice and collective action help gumming the fuck out of their operations on a mass scale. some allow online bookings, these should be easier to fake. specifically I am hoping for instruction on hiding my phone number and other personal details (fake email accounts and aliases a given). this is an idea in the early stages I would love practical help and ideas.

edit to add sourcing on crisis pregnancy centers:

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