
We decide how the work world operates, not the other way around. They can’t fire us all. Treat your self, coworkers, and your customers properly.

Take time off for your mental health and your life when YOU can afford to. Talk about pay and help each other earn as much as possible. Tell customers that piece of info that will get them a better deal. Give discounts. Give out free things – extra portions, more time focused deeply on one customer, etc. Donate all of your “trash” that is 100% usable and safe. If it costs the company money, so what? The resources are there to get the job done properly, not to fill the upper echelons pockets. If enough of us take it upon us to do this, they can't stop it. Fire one, the next one does it too.

Take time off for your mental health and your life when YOU can afford to.

Talk about pay and help each other earn as much as possible.

Tell customers that piece of info that will get them a better deal.

Give discounts. Give out free things – extra portions, more time focused deeply on one customer, etc.

Donate all of your “trash” that is 100% usable and safe.

If it costs the company money, so what? The resources are there to get the job done properly, not to fill the upper echelons pockets.

If enough of us take it upon us to do this, they can't stop it. Fire one, the next one does it too.

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