
“We dont let people make up days, because its almost like rewarding them for taking the day off.”

What the fuck did my boss mean by this, im not going to work to “have fun”, hell, working 8 bucks an hour, im not even going into work to make money. What the fuck kind of “reward” do you think im getting? I offered to make up my day because I feel like I need to fucking justify being hurt, not because of a “reward”. Maybe if I was not so afraid to take a day off, I woulnt feel the need to suck up to you fucks so much.

What the fuck did my boss mean by this, im not going to work to “have fun”, hell, working 8 bucks an hour, im not even going into work to make money. What the fuck kind of “reward” do you think im getting?

I offered to make up my day because I feel like I need to fucking justify being hurt, not because of a “reward”. Maybe if I was not so afraid to take a day off, I woulnt feel the need to suck up to you fucks so much.

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