
We don’t want to be here…

Companies need to stop thinking they are people's number one priority in life. I have so much going on in my personal life that work is quite literally my absolute last priority and the only reason I even show up is because I have crushing debt and bills to pay. But my personal life comes first, and I have to take time off work all the time and now I'm on my final warning with the company I work with and it's just that they don't give a damn about the very serious crap I have going on right now. Like I want to burn the place to the fucking ground it makes me so angry. I'm so angry at the way we ALL have allowed these companies to absolutely crap on the American people. They control us and we are basically enslaved to them because none of us can…

Companies need to stop thinking they are people's number one priority in life. I have so much going on in my personal life that work is quite literally my absolute last priority and the only reason I even show up is because I have crushing debt and bills to pay. But my personal life comes first, and I have to take time off work all the time and now I'm on my final warning with the company I work with and it's just that they don't give a damn about the very serious crap I have going on right now. Like I want to burn the place to the fucking ground it makes me so angry. I'm so angry at the way we ALL have allowed these companies to absolutely crap on the American people. They control us and we are basically enslaved to them because none of us can afford to not work. Makes me so angry at life. Anyways, I don't know what my next steps are going to be, I'm obviously not going to do anything violent but damn, I just want to work somewhere that pays me good, gives me good benefits, but values my personal life and the shit I have going on that is more important than work. Why is it so hard to find? Fuck I should have bought that damn Bitcoin back in the day.

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