
We don’t want to fix it we want you to stop complaining

Work is building a new database in DOC360 to replace one that works great and has zero issues. The new one has dozens of error and is not user friendly at all. Most people are just using the old one. Every time an error is brought up by the end users the developers say they don't see that at their end and close it without investigation. Gonna love being a fly on the wall when they close the old DOC360 and see all the things they could have fixed but didn't.

Work is building a new database in DOC360 to replace one that works great and has zero issues. The new one has dozens of error and is not user friendly at all. Most people are just using the old one. Every time an error is brought up by the end users the developers say they don't see that at their end and close it without investigation. Gonna love being a fly on the wall when they close the old DOC360 and see all the things they could have fixed but didn't.

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