
We fought for women to have a place in the work force when in reality we fought for double income households

That me start by stating that women deserve an equal place in the workforce, and everywhere. That being said, we've ended up at a destination that wasn't intended. How is it that families before the 1980s could survive on a single salary and make a comfortable life for themselves, while we now struggle to make ends meet with 2 incomes. The fight for equality allowed corporations to half our purchasing power and we have done nothing. Parents shouldn't both have to work 40 hours a week until they die to feed and house their children.

That me start by stating that women deserve an equal place in the workforce, and everywhere. That being said, we've ended up at a destination that wasn't intended. How is it that families before the 1980s could survive on a single salary and make a comfortable life for themselves, while we now struggle to make ends meet with 2 incomes. The fight for equality allowed corporations to half our purchasing power and we have done nothing. Parents shouldn't both have to work 40 hours a week until they die to feed and house their children.

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