
We have pointless mandatory meetings every month at my job.

*Unless the manager in charge has something better to do, then it is cancelled- often last minute and with trickle-down notices to supervisors expected to further forward texts. I work nights, these meetings are at 1:30 in the afternoon. They often last like 20 minutes. I often skip and do a make-up meeting at the end of my next shift because… why would I want to wake up in the middle of my sleep schedule to go and be told a bunch of information I have heard every month for the last 7 and a half years? Today I was informed that the only make-up meeting would be at 1:30 the following day, and anyone who doesn't attend will have all their shifts pulled. So I set an alarm, wake up, drive 20 miles round trip for a meeting that lasts 24 minutes. Which, given current gas prices and my…

*Unless the manager in charge has something better to do, then it is cancelled- often last minute and with trickle-down notices to supervisors expected to further forward texts. I work nights, these meetings are at 1:30 in the afternoon. They often last like 20 minutes. I often skip and do a make-up meeting at the end of my next shift because… why would I want to wake up in the middle of my sleep schedule to go and be told a bunch of information I have heard every month for the last 7 and a half years? Today I was informed that the only make-up meeting would be at 1:30 the following day, and anyone who doesn't attend will have all their shifts pulled. So I set an alarm, wake up, drive 20 miles round trip for a meeting that lasts 24 minutes. Which, given current gas prices and my company's poverty-level pay, equals out to roughly break even cost.

I hate this place, but I've managed to pigeonhole myself into this industry with no marketable experience.

Just wanted to rant about this trash.

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