
We have to stop living to work

There is a man at my job who has worked there since 1967. He is decrepit, forgetful, grumpy, flat out mean to everyone. He comes in at 6:00 am. He comes in on Saturdays and Sundays. He refuses to retire. Now his wife is sick, but he is still at work in his office. What if she dies, and he spent her final days at work? Then what? What is the point? We have to eliminate this mindset in America that we must live to work. I am 45 and it’s really hard to change my ways. But I’m trying.

There is a man at my job who has worked there since 1967. He is decrepit, forgetful, grumpy, flat out mean to everyone. He comes in at 6:00 am. He comes in on Saturdays and Sundays. He refuses to retire.

Now his wife is sick, but he is still at work in his office. What if she dies, and he spent her final days at work? Then what? What is the point?

We have to eliminate this mindset in America that we must live to work. I am 45 and it’s really hard to change my ways. But I’m trying.

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