
We live in a slave system, if you can’t organize a simple strike

If you don't like your payment, and want a fair amount of money in trade of hard work, but don't even have how to demand it, you are a slave. If you are afraid of loosing your job, you are a slave. If you can't get a job with higher salary and can't get educated to do a more difficult job, you are a slave. The system chains you to do your work, virtual chains. “So get out the system and live in the streets”. This is always what they tell you because it is an easy answer. Improve payments, free health care, free education, tax the riches is the difficult answer.

If you don't like your payment, and want a fair amount of money in trade of hard work, but don't even have how to demand it, you are a slave. If you are afraid of loosing your job, you are a slave. If you can't get a job with higher salary and can't get educated to do a more difficult job, you are a slave. The system chains you to do your work, virtual chains.

“So get out the system and live in the streets”. This is always what they tell you because it is an easy answer. Improve payments, free health care, free education, tax the riches is the difficult answer.

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