
We need a system where they can’t print money out of thin air and devalue our purchasing power. This is what is causing the cost of living crisis we are facing a long with inflation! The “capitalist” system is a fractional reserve PONZI SCHEME and the people as always are picking up the tab

So just like everything these days you say “inflation” and the meaning is different to everyone you ask. The banks and central planners redefined inflation to mean the increase in prices instead of the increase in money supply. This is very deceptive. We do not operate in a free market. For instance the price of milk would be closer to $7-$10 per gallon if not subsidized. The commodity markets are all rigged with paper derivative trading. Look at what happened to nickel on the LBMA. Or precious metal suppression and concentrated short positions. My point is all the markets are rigged! Who really thinks in 2019 the price of oil was worth negitive dollars? No wonder the oil companies are making record profits. They were able to get oil for free and now years later it’s at an ATH and retail has to pick up the tab! Same with lumber!…

So just like everything these days you say “inflation” and the meaning is different to everyone you ask. The banks and central planners redefined inflation to mean the increase in prices instead of the increase in money supply. This is very deceptive. We do not operate in a free market. For instance the price of milk would be closer to $7-$10 per gallon if not subsidized. The commodity markets are all rigged with paper derivative trading. Look at what happened to nickel on the LBMA. Or precious metal suppression and concentrated short positions.

My point is all the markets are rigged! Who really thinks in 2019 the price of oil was worth negitive dollars? No wonder the oil companies are making record profits. They were able to get oil for free and now years later it’s at an ATH and retail has to pick up the tab! Same with lumber! Fuck same with a lot of things! And they shoot up and shoot down. And supply chain this and covid/Ukraine that. The psyop continues as people become distracted.

The future markets were literally created to add volatility to trading to keep retail away. Not only does the big money know all the bets placed by retail they also have the ability to cheat the market with a bunch of cheap tricks while the regulatory agencies turn a blind eye. It’s just the banks, fed reserve, corporations, and controlling interests exploiting the whole world! The biggest problem that everyone fails to acknowledge is that we have given these crooks the control of our money printers and global financial system with no oversight. That’s why the fed sets interest rates artificially low to allow cheap east money for the banks to invest. The wealthy keep getting wealthier!

Not only do they own the means to production but they print money out of thin air and funnel it to things like mortgage backed securities and equities things that normal people can’t afford. With all that extra money in the system things like food, and gas go up as well. It’s not rocket science. Since beginning of covid we have more then doubled our M2 money supply…. No shocker we have record inflation. Now the problem becomes we can’t raise rates To fight inflation because that would stop that environment of easy money low interest rates like I was talking about and people will stop buying houses and getting loans and in general will just have less money and the resession or even a depression might occur.

Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan was recently saying there’s a good chance of depression. The Federal Reserve says it’s going to stop quantitative easing but there’s no way to do that without anybody buying our treasury bonds which is the case now that Russia and China are going out of them and the BRICS (Brazil Russia India China South Africa) nations Are developing a commodity backed currency to compete with a US dollar Which only has any power as world reserve currency because it is the petrodollar or meaning you need the US dollar to buy oil but that is quickly changing. Nobody understand what the petro dollar is even nd it’s sickening to me. it is the reason USA has our power and how we export inflation to everyone else! Everyone has to buy treasury bonds around the world so their currency doesn’t collapse we hold them hostage. Once that demand for global treasury bonds around the world diminishes USA will be the fire buyer of last resort and with have to increase there already unlimited bond buying program. This is how inflation spirals into hyperinflation because there’s nobody to buy our debt and there’s nobody for us to force it upon anymore because they don’t need to have the US dollar anymore to transact around the world because like I said the bricks nations are developing an alternate currency.

US dollar could mantain status as world reserve currency in the past because it was a large percent of the worlds GDP and we used to produce real things. Now all we have our tech stocks that are way overvalued. It’s going to be a rude awakening when trillions of dollars of Derivatives become insolvent…. The only way to avoid this phenomenon money printing out of thin air is to and fractional reserve banking. Money needs to be back by something otherwise those are in control we’re only gain in power. We will all be slaves to the system until this end. Inflation is the most regressive tax there is hurting the poor and helping the wealthy in my definition of inflation and the real economic definition is increase in money supply so don’t be fooled by the corrupt bankers Who control all the prices

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