
We NEED education reform

This is a bit of a rant, but I think this is probably the best place for it to go: We need an education system that focuses less on subjects, facts, efficiency, and industriousness. As long as those remain the main values of schooling, we will continue to churn out depressed, burnt out, uncreative, and apathetic people. The only function the education system currently serves is to introduce kids slowly and from a young age into the insufferable, monotonous drudgery of the modern capitalist workplace. If this system of mental misery was not introduced to kids at such a young age, that rebellious spark of creativity would cause us to push away the ludicrously mind numbing modern conception of “work”, in favor of play and adventure, and ACTUALLY VALUABLE PRODUCTIVITY, like mutual aid type stuff. The brain dulling effects of the education system turn us into unthinking drones who follow…

This is a bit of a rant, but I think this is probably the best place for it to go:

We need an education system that focuses less on subjects, facts, efficiency, and industriousness. As long as those remain the main values of schooling, we will continue to churn out depressed, burnt out, uncreative, and apathetic people. The only function the education system currently serves is to introduce kids slowly and from a young age into the insufferable, monotonous drudgery of the modern capitalist workplace. If this system of mental misery was not introduced to kids at such a young age, that rebellious spark of creativity would cause us to push away the ludicrously mind numbing modern conception of “work”, in favor of play and adventure, and ACTUALLY VALUABLE PRODUCTIVITY, like mutual aid type stuff. The brain dulling effects of the education system turn us into unthinking drones who follow the workplace manager’s orders without a second thought, as any semblance of creativity or self expression is put to death by teachers claiming it “Disrupts your learning” or “Distracts other students”. As long as children are legally forced to spend their time working at school for 6 or 7 hours a day, then spend another 2-4 hours working at home on “Homework”, sometimes adding up to upwards of 50 hours a week (without any form of compensation mind you), we will never see any sort of change in how we spend our lives as adults.

Change starts with kids, and therefore it starts in the education system.

We need a schooling system that focuses more on compassion, play, creativity, imagination, self discovery, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking skills. Until then, we're kinda screwed. This soul crushing system, this weird cult of work that dominates our culture will continue to screw us all over, while giving the oligarchic CEO’s more and more power to keep things the same.

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