
We need legislation that makes it a criminal offense to commit wage theft, coupled with a significant fine on the company itself that goes to a victim’s restitution fund.

For the first part: Anyone who knowingly commits wage theft is subject to the same penalties as the equivalent amount of financial fraud towards an employer (or just general theft, if somehow financial fraud is less penalized). For the second part: Many victims of wage theft need that money yesterday. Waiting years to get it back won't help them. If we have a victims restitution fund, then that fund can have an initial endowment to make the victim whole while the state pursues the responsible company, and from then on its funds will be filled via fines. I see no reason why the party of Law and Order should object to this? It only punishes the guilty, they receive due process, and there are no handouts being given to anyone, because it's simply paying them their earned wage. Right? … right?

For the first part: Anyone who knowingly commits wage theft is subject to the same penalties as the equivalent amount of financial fraud towards an employer (or just general theft, if somehow financial fraud is less penalized).

For the second part: Many victims of wage theft need that money yesterday. Waiting years to get it back won't help them. If we have a victims restitution fund, then that fund can have an initial endowment to make the victim whole while the state pursues the responsible company, and from then on its funds will be filled via fines.

I see no reason why the party of Law and Order should object to this? It only punishes the guilty, they receive due process, and there are no handouts being given to anyone, because it's simply paying them their earned wage.


… right?

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