
“We only have a budget for the whole team we’re hiring”

Okay? So my salary depends on wether or not you over-/underpay some other guy? Why? Just why do recruiter feel the need to do this? I tick all their boxes. They are “very impressed” by my cv. And then they won't share the salary range. Not in the call, not in the JD, not even after being asked via mail. I'm not really looking for a job, but I like to window shop and know what I am worth and what I am definitely not worth and can't get. Helps to stay humble, I think, but you might disagree. But that's why I occasionally accept invites to recruitment calls. I had one recently and after asking for clarification on salary I get the usual spiel – but with a twist: They're hiring a whole team and have a budget for the bunch of them, not a single position! Meaning they…

Okay? So my salary depends on wether or not you over-/underpay some other guy? Why? Just why do recruiter feel the need to do this? I tick all their boxes. They are “very impressed” by my cv. And then they won't share the salary range. Not in the call, not in the JD, not even after being asked via mail.

I'm not really looking for a job, but I like to window shop and know what I am worth and what I am definitely not worth and can't get. Helps to stay humble, I think, but you might disagree. But that's why I occasionally accept invites to recruitment calls. I had one recently and after asking for clarification on salary I get the usual spiel – but with a twist: They're hiring a whole team and have a budget for the bunch of them, not a single position! Meaning they will only give me an offer if I complete the interview process successfully but I am free to share my expectations so they can tell me if there's any chance of working things out.

I'm a bit baffled by this answer since I think budgets and salary ranges are usually made available for specific positions, not for whole hiring sprees. Am I reading too much into this? How would you proceed? I really like the duties this position would entail, honestly mostly as a stepping stone towards a more technically inclined position. But my gut says this is a big no-no on their part.

Do I just slap on the asshole tax and wait if they accept it? Do I give a reasonable answer based on research and comparable roles (which would still comfortably be a 10% to 25% raise depending on where exactly they value me)? Or do I cut my losses, decline the homework and intransparent recruiting and move on? Or do I refuse to play this silly little game, do not give them any range or expectations and wait for an offer?

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