
We Should Go Ahead And Just Revolt Already

Just a friendly reminder that the Second Amendment protects not only your right to own and bear firearms, but also to form an armed militia. There may be laws against the military operating on U.S. soil, which is a good thing. But it’s your constitutionally-protected right, and in this day and age, I daresay obligation, to arm yourselves and other members in your community. You should arm yourselves, practice with your neighbors, and be fully-prepared to shoot it out with the police, the National Guard (Who WILL be sent in to quell what will be labeled an “insurgency”), and any Federal agents. Not just firearms, make IEDs with your militia and attach them to store-bought drones, then fly it into the police department. Don’t leave anyone alive to charge/arrest you; do what you have to do, and don’t stop until it’s done. Any means necessary. There is a Revolution/Civil War…

Just a friendly reminder that the Second Amendment protects not only your right to own and bear firearms, but also to form an armed militia. There may be laws against the military operating on U.S. soil, which is a good thing.

But it’s your constitutionally-protected right, and in this day and age, I daresay obligation, to arm yourselves and other members in your community.

You should arm yourselves, practice with your neighbors, and be fully-prepared to shoot it out with the police, the National Guard (Who WILL be sent in to quell what will be labeled an “insurgency”), and any Federal agents.

Not just firearms, make IEDs with your militia and attach them to store-bought drones, then fly it into the police department.

Don’t leave anyone alive to charge/arrest you; do what you have to do, and don’t stop until it’s done. Any means necessary.

There is a Revolution/Civil War on the horizon in this country, and things will get worse before they get better. But if we don’t stand and fight here and now, they will only continue to get worse.

Police wantonly killing people with zero accountability, unsustainable housing, depressed purchasing power, people dying from trying to ration their insulin, or go into a lifetime of debt for basic healthcare, not to mention education, widespread mental illness going untreated because it’s unaffordable/not taken seriously, the climate and Earth being raped of its resources, all for the profit of a handful of people.
Things are coming to a head, and to be frank, things WILL NOT get better without violence.

This is literally the exact type of corruption this amendment exists to allow and even encourage you to protect against.

The only thing that badge and uniform stand for anymore is the oppression and erosion of American rights and values.

Our Founding Fathers didn’t stand for this. Our grandparents didn’t stand for this. Even our parents had it better in their day than we do, albeit their generation is where things began to decline. We shouldn’t stand for this either. And we WILL NOT stand for it.

Our Founding Fathers weren’t afraid to go head-to-head with the Redcoats. The police and other enforcement agencies are our generation’s Redcoats, and we should treat them as such.

Remember kids: There’s nothing more American than a little treason.

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