
We should never have a job structure where the key is to improve someone else’s life

More and more everyday, I think a lot about the importance of the positions of CEOs, Vice Presidents, Presidents .etc in companies and other businesses. I end up finding them all pointless to have because they're all self-serving positions. Everyone under them is working away, to improve their lifestyles and help them achieve their dreams. Yours? You have to set aside your ambitions, to help someone achieve theirs. They aren't saying 'Thank you' for the job you do, they're probably saying that because they know in the back of their minds. Yes, Thank you overworked employee, for doing OT, stressing yourself to work under me and scrambling your life so I can sleep better at night. /s It's what they mind as well say. Wouldn't it be more better to just eliminate higher paid positions altogether and let those businesses be ran by the people who're keeping it afloat? Not…

More and more everyday, I think a lot about the importance of the positions of CEOs, Vice Presidents, Presidents .etc in companies and other businesses. I end up finding them all pointless to have because they're all self-serving positions. Everyone under them is working away, to improve their lifestyles and help them achieve their dreams.

Yours? You have to set aside your ambitions, to help someone achieve theirs. They aren't saying 'Thank you' for the job you do, they're probably saying that because they know in the back of their minds. Yes, Thank you overworked employee, for doing OT, stressing yourself to work under me and scrambling your life so I can sleep better at night. /s

It's what they mind as well say.

Wouldn't it be more better to just eliminate higher paid positions altogether and let those businesses be ran by the people who're keeping it afloat? Not by some jackoff in some remote location somewhere sitting comfy, pretending that they're the be all or end all of the business they usually inherited or had no contributory merit.

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