
We were told to take lunch and eat our cold (refrigerated) lunches because we weren’t being productive during a power outage

Here’s a fun one for you all this morning. This happened earlier this week. Rural area… small town. Our small town is the biggest in the county, bunch of other small towns every 5-10 miles. At around 11am, nearly the entire county lost power. Being such a big area the power company didn’t know exactly where the issue was and said it might take them awhile to get it back on. I knew some people were in one of the conference rooms doing piddly work (snapping connectors together to save time in production) so I went down to help in an attempt to be a “good employee”. There were a few people hanging out in the conference room doing nothing when our HR lady comes in. She told everyone in the room to go take lunch because we were not being productive and on the clock. One of my coworkers…

Here’s a fun one for you all this morning. This happened earlier this week.

Rural area… small town. Our small town is the biggest in the county, bunch of other small towns every 5-10 miles.

At around 11am, nearly the entire county lost power. Being such a big area the power company didn’t know exactly where the issue was and said it might take them awhile to get it back on.

I knew some people were in one of the conference rooms doing piddly work (snapping connectors together to save time in production) so I went down to help in an attempt to be a “good employee”.

There were a few people hanging out in the conference room doing nothing when our HR lady comes in. She told everyone in the room to go take lunch because we were not being productive and on the clock. One of my coworkers goes “but the microwaves won’t work… how are we supposed to heat up our food?” and she snarkily replied to eat it cold.

Yeah… I just went back up to my office and pretended to do work on my laptop (couldn’t access anything because all my stuff is saved on the network) until it was my actual lunch hour.

The facility next door to us sent their employees home for the day with pay. We sat there doing nothing for 2hrs before it came back on and another 2hrs after that because our IT couldn’t get our network to come back up. What a shit show lol

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