
Weird email behavior

So. I always respond to my bosses MANY daily emails. Yesterday I didn’t have time to respond but I did everything she asked in each email or it was already done. Today she forwarded all of the emails to me again individually and wrote “did you get this?” “I guess you got this because you texted me and asked me about it” and then, my personal favorite. She sent me a blank email with a subject line that just said “Emails?” I have no private office computer. I work at a front desk as customer service. It’s really hard for me to get any of my required clerical types of work done on a front desk computer where I am constantly answering a phone or communicating face to face with another human every two minutes. The computer that we do have in a private area doesn’t run our software I…

So. I always respond to my bosses MANY daily emails. Yesterday I didn’t have time to respond but I did everything she asked in each email or it was already done.
Today she forwarded all of the emails to me again individually and wrote “did you get this?” “I guess you got this because you texted me and asked me about it” and then, my personal favorite. She sent me a blank email with a subject line that just said “Emails?”

I have no private office computer. I work at a front desk as customer service. It’s really hard for me to get any of my required clerical types of work done on a front desk computer where I am constantly answering a phone or communicating face to face with another human every two minutes.
The computer that we do have in a private area doesn’t run our software I need to work and my work laptop (that they gave me) is too old to run the software either.

Sending me strange, passive aggressive double emails doesn’t really put me in the mood to work.

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