
Weird situation, is it me?

Ok, heres the story. Been out of work for almost 7 years, surviving on the good graces of my lovely wife. Finally got a job last week, pay is only 11 bucks an hour but better than the nothing I was making. I'm more than pleased to have work but feel like I'm letting a lot of people down when I think the job is so easy the 11 an hour is a reasonable price. My job consists of get in car, drive car to spot, write spot down, get in van, get in another car to repeat. Am I the crazy one here, or am I actually being paid well for the complexity of the job?

Ok, heres the story. Been out of work for almost 7 years, surviving on the good graces of my lovely wife. Finally got a job last week, pay is only 11 bucks an hour but better than the nothing I was making. I'm more than pleased to have work but feel like I'm letting a lot of people down when I think the job is so easy the 11 an hour is a reasonable price. My job consists of get in car, drive car to spot, write spot down, get in van, get in another car to repeat. Am I the crazy one here, or am I actually being paid well for the complexity of the job?

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