
Weirdest firing ever

(throwaway account just in case) So I recently started as a seasonal associate for a company (position and company left intentionally vague). I had my reservations since I've seen the job posted a lot and assumed it was due to high turn over, but I applied since I was looking for work. In my very first interview I decided to just see what I could get out of them and gave a very high wage I wanted and mentioned that I had a family trip planned over thanksgiving. The trip over thanksgiving was not real, but I haven't seen my family in over three years and figured I'd work for them if I could finagle a way to get off for the holiday. To surprise they said “it shouldn't be an issue” when it came to the thanksgiving. So I figured even if the job sucks its only for a…

(throwaway account just in case)

So I recently started as a seasonal associate for a company (position and company left intentionally vague). I had my reservations since I've seen the job posted a lot and assumed it was due to high turn over, but I applied since I was looking for work. In my very first interview I decided to just see what I could get out of them and gave a very high wage I wanted and mentioned that I had a family trip planned over thanksgiving. The trip over thanksgiving was not real, but I haven't seen my family in over three years and figured I'd work for them if I could finagle a way to get off for the holiday. To surprise they said “it shouldn't be an issue” when it came to the thanksgiving. So I figured even if the job sucks its only for a few months and I can actually celebrate thanksgiving with my family for the first time in several years

The following weeks I had a couple more interviews, got an offer, completed background checks, and all that jazz. I ended up being offered the job at a higher wage than I had asked for which also shocked me so I obviously accepted. In the lead up to me starting I tried to confirm with HR about the time off around the holiday that we discussed right off the bat and never got a response. I wasn't terribly shocked, but the money was still good enough to make up for it if it didn't work out since I didn't take “shouldn't be an issue” as a 100% certitude that I'd get the days off.

Cut to my first week and when I finally got access to my email I sent a message to my boss asking if they had heard anything from HR and the recruiters who had interviewed my about my trip to confirm if I could have those days off. Boss says they would reach out to the recruiters and HR and get back to me. Again, at this point I'm not expecting to get it off but it's still worth the shot.

I finish my second shift of training today and as I'm heading home I get a phone call from my boss with HR on the line and they tell me they I am being terminated for REQUESTING thanksgiving off. Not for showing up late, not for doing anything wrong, literally for even asking to take off 3 days around thanksgiving. I obviously bring up that its ridiculous to fire me for asking for time off instead of just saying “No” or even just having a conversation with me about it. The boss is very non-confrontational and starts stumbling over their words (I assume realizing how ridiculous the situation is) and tells me if I can find a way to work and reschedule my trip they will allow me to stay on. The HR representative then says “No the decision is final”. I point out that my direct boss just told me I could stay on if I work the days (which again are two entire months away) and they both go silent for a nice long awkward pause. The HR rep and my boss both then say if I can reschedule my trip in the next 7 days I can stay on.

So now I am going in tomorrow to continue training which is just going to be incredibly awkward. And I wouldn't be shocked if they just fire me anyways when I walk in the door. This is easily the most bizarre start to a job I've ever had and thought it would fit here. Companies are absolutely insane and do not care about anything except meat in the office making them money.

TL;DR: Almost got fired on my second day for daring to request off for a holiday that I was told “shouldn't be an issue” to take off for

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