
Well, I called their bluff, got a new job and putting in my resignation today.

The organization that I work for has difficulty paying an equitable wage. I applied for a job internally, hoping to stay with them in a new role, but they refused to negotiate the salary for the new position and it was grossly underpaid, so I declined the offer. I then tried to get a promotion in my existing position and the same thing happened. They tried to throw the union under the bus and say that they couldn't negotiate because of the Union contract, but the union contract only states a minimum rate, no maximum for this type of change. My team is already understaffed. One of my co-workers left for another team, another one is acting as interim manager because our previous manager left. We've got two major time-sensitive projects that is now going to be split up between three people essentially. I applied for and was offered a…

The organization that I work for has difficulty paying an equitable wage. I applied for a job internally, hoping to stay with them in a new role, but they refused to negotiate the salary for the new position and it was grossly underpaid, so I declined the offer.

I then tried to get a promotion in my existing position and the same thing happened. They tried to throw the union under the bus and say that they couldn't negotiate because of the Union contract, but the union contract only states a minimum rate, no maximum for this type of change.

My team is already understaffed. One of my co-workers left for another team, another one is acting as interim manager because our previous manager left. We've got two major time-sensitive projects that is now going to be split up between three people essentially.

I applied for and was offered a position with a new organization. I'm going to be putting in my resignation today once I receive the final offer paperwork. I would have stayed with this organization until I retired, but they were just unwilling to pay me what I'm worth. Now they're going to have to hire a new employee which could take 6 months or more, they're going to have to take the time to train the new employee which is going to set them back even further, plus they're likely going to have to pay that new employee more than they paid me anyway.

I told them that I was receiving and turning down job offers repeatedly while I was there, but I don't think they believed me. I have no idea why they're so short sighted, but I called their bluff and now I'm leaving.

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