
Well I officially quit and they made me write the reasons

My manager calls me in and I sit down, he says, “so today is your last day” I say “ya?” And he goes “well I just wanna know why your deciding to up and leave us”. I tell him I am leaving because my “supervisor” has been treating me like shit for 3 weeks, playing favorites with employees, making sure I don't get any hours, talking about me telling everyone i “don't take pride in my work”. Well, then my manager says “well I don't know why your just leaving because he doesn't like you” I then proceeded to tell him I literally depend on hours givin to me, my family lives off one paycheck and this supervisor has the choice to just not give me work. So obviously I'm going to go somewhere I can be treated fairly and there isn't a game of kiss ass going on. Then…

My manager calls me in and I sit down, he says, “so today is your last day” I say “ya?” And he goes “well I just wanna know why your deciding to up and leave us”. I tell him I am leaving because my “supervisor” has been treating me like shit for 3 weeks, playing favorites with employees, making sure I don't get any hours, talking about me telling everyone i “don't take pride in my work”.

Well, then my manager says “well I don't know why your just leaving because he doesn't like you”

I then proceeded to tell him I literally depend on hours givin to me, my family lives off one paycheck and this supervisor has the choice to just not give me work. So obviously I'm going to go somewhere I can be treated fairly and there isn't a game of kiss ass going on.

Then he just says sign this paper and state your quitting and list the reasons, so I sign and put “poor management” then walked out.

Working for a company and being treated like shit and then when I say something I get treated like more shit just for talking. I'm going to go work for a non toxic company or just say fuck it and work for myself. I'm so tired of these company's with piss poor management and they expect people to just kiss ass and be underpaid.

Also OSHA just arrived a couple of days ago and fined them ALOT because they don't put money back into their shop, they will buy new computers for themselves, they will buy new office shit, but when the guys in the back need supplies or equipment they just say “your just using it wrong” I think it's time to stop blaming employees and start thinking about actually running a business.

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