
Well, I (practically) lost my job last Friday.

I work at an aircraft production/repair plant as a junior engineer. I'm still in the trial phase, but on that day my boss called me in and said they've had enough and that they've made the decision. They'll let me stay for the trial phase, but after that I'm certain to not get the full-time job offer. The reason is that I've never had enough of the workplace etiquette in my life and I managed to break a lot of unspoken rules, some of them being just common sense, as well as tend to doze off on the company time (in my defense, it's only happening in the downtime and I'm perfectly capable of performing my active tasks without dozing off, but still). I tried to convince them that they won't have to worry about me anymore and that I've learned like 90% of my lessons but to no avail.…

I work at an aircraft production/repair plant as a junior engineer. I'm still in the trial phase, but on that day my boss called me in and said they've had enough and that they've made the decision. They'll let me stay for the trial phase, but after that I'm certain to not get the full-time job offer. The reason is that I've never had enough of the workplace etiquette in my life and I managed to break a lot of unspoken rules, some of them being just common sense, as well as tend to doze off on the company time
(in my defense, it's only happening in the downtime and I'm perfectly capable of performing my active tasks without dozing off, but still). I tried to convince them that they won't have to worry about me anymore and that I've learned like 90% of my lessons but to no avail. The fact that those lessons had to be taught to me is enough to kick my ass offboard, and they won't be able to fully be at ease with me operating on my own, even if everything does go smoothly from this point on. So, I'm left with hoping that another department would have a similar trial position open and that they would take me in. But still, that was my dream job and I fucked it up. Rant/vent over.

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