
Welp, Malcom did it!

You know you've stepped in it when the CBC starts calling you out: Today's Front Burner For those outside the Maple Bubble, the CBC is our national public broadcaster and they are very shy about a) making waves and b) calling out the Canadian “intellegencia” so for them to call out Gladwell, who is in fact Canadian, is kinda wild. The TL;DR of the episode was the host and an expert discussing whether or not this is a permeant solution and they actually discussed both sides, including using other broadcasters for comment. I feel that because both the expert and host were female, they actually discussed the parenting side of things which is nice (since it seems to generally be neglected when everyone involved is male, sorry guys, I know there are awesome dads out there who care and parent, but I think it is still safe to say the…

You know you've stepped in it when the CBC starts calling you out: Today's Front Burner

For those outside the Maple Bubble, the CBC is our national public broadcaster and they are very shy about a) making waves and b) calling out the Canadian “intellegencia” so for them to call out Gladwell, who is in fact Canadian, is kinda wild.

The TL;DR of the episode was the host and an expert discussing whether or not this is a permeant solution and they actually discussed both sides, including using other broadcasters for comment. I feel that because both the expert and host were female, they actually discussed the parenting side of things which is nice (since it seems to generally be neglected when everyone involved is male, sorry guys, I know there are awesome dads out there who care and parent, but I think it is still safe to say the bulk of domestic care giving is done by women in heterocouples).

They also go over (briefly) the pressures felt by men and women and how it's different. How men feel pressured to be in the office, while women may have more flexibility to WFH, but in doing so, are being turned into “one person safety nets” (their words) for their families.

Probably one of the best corporate/main stream discussions on WFH that I've heard so far.

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