
Went to an interview for a job in a fast-fashion clothing chain, got the job, never came to sign the contract.

Basically the title. I (23F) left my old job a couple of weeks ago (powder metallurgy plant) and immediately started looking for a new one, since the inflation in my country went through the roof (12%), plus I am looking after my elderly grandmother, AND I am saving money to finish my degree – I am desperate for income. Not as desperate though as some companies would like me to be. One of the interviews I was invited to was for a low level position in a fast-fashion retail store. Now, I know a friend who used to work there and the work conditions she described to me are truly awful – 12-14 hour long shifts, having to work weekends, no bathroom breaks, only one 30-minute break for lunch, constant stress due to high rate of shoplifters. Not only that but she would be essentially bullied by the senior staff,…

Basically the title. I (23F) left my old job a couple of weeks ago (powder metallurgy plant) and immediately started looking for a new one, since the inflation in my country went through the roof (12%), plus I am looking after my elderly grandmother, AND I am saving money to finish my degree – I am desperate for income.

Not as desperate though as some companies would like me to be. One of the interviews I was invited to was for a low level position in a fast-fashion retail store. Now, I know a friend who used to work there and the work conditions she described to me are truly awful – 12-14 hour long shifts, having to work weekends, no bathroom breaks, only one 30-minute break for lunch, constant stress due to high rate of shoplifters. Not only that but she would be essentially bullied by the senior staff, called names for her weight (body positivity movement did not reach the borders of my country yet) etc. Needless to say I knew from the start I did not want the job, but thought hey, I've got free time, I'll check it out. I felt a gnawing sense of dread when the interviewer lady told me with a bright smile on her face that ,,I will be in a lot of pain due to all the physical activity, but that it usually passess after the first week.”

Long story short I passed the interview and was told that I'd be contacted to come and sign the contract. Well they've been calling me for 4 days now, haven't responded, they even started sending me text messages begging me to call them, but I just ghosted them.

My nature compells me to feel like a prick for what I am doing, but then I remember how they treated my friend.

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