
We’re growing, company posted job for same as my position for more money. Advice?

We're expanding our engineering group by a fair bit. I've been with the company near 6 years, everyone else has less than 2 years tenure. I just came across the posting for the new engineers we're hiring, to do the same job as me, but for about 20% more than I make. How do I handle this situation. I do like my job, and would like to stay, but it's insulting to know new hires will make more than me. Edit: grammar

We're expanding our engineering group by a fair bit. I've been with the company near 6 years, everyone else has less than 2 years tenure.
I just came across the posting for the new engineers we're hiring, to do the same job as me, but for about 20% more than I make.
How do I handle this situation. I do like my job, and would like to stay, but it's insulting to know new hires will make more than me.
Edit: grammar

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