
We’ve all been forced back into the office 5 days a week, and this trend with the cubicle assignment is infuriating!

The pharma company I work for just mandated that all personnel return to the office full time, 5 days per week. We've all begrudgingly accepted our grey, drab, cubicle filled fates, and noticed a funny trend after we all were assigned our cubicle locations. All of the nice cubicles with windows that let a little sunshine and green views into your day have all been hoarded by supervisors and management, while all associate level employees and below are crammed into the center region of the floor, far away from any windows with a little outside view to brighten the day. I understand seniority, chain of command, the higher level people get the best seat assignments, blah blah blah. Here's the catch; 90% of supervisors and managers had the option, and chose to, continue working from home full time. So 28 of 30 prime time cubicles with window views lay empty,…

The pharma company I work for just mandated that all personnel return to the office full time, 5 days per week. We've all begrudgingly accepted our grey, drab, cubicle filled fates, and noticed a funny trend after we all were assigned our cubicle locations. All of the nice cubicles with windows that let a little sunshine and green views into your day have all been hoarded by supervisors and management, while all associate level employees and below are crammed into the center region of the floor, far away from any windows with a little outside view to brighten the day. I understand seniority, chain of command, the higher level people get the best seat assignments, blah blah blah. Here's the catch; 90% of supervisors and managers had the option, and chose to, continue working from home full time. So 28 of 30 prime time cubicles with window views lay empty, while nearly all of the in-person employees are stuck in the worst cubicle spaces, staring at grey walls in dead silence. I realize this may sound small and petty of a complaint, but it's just another example in support of how management truly doesn't give a shit about the people they manage. Quality of life means nothing, just shut up and do your work quietly. Make it make sense.

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