
What about Europe?

I know that many people in this sub are in the USA, but what about Europe? In general we don't have as dire situation as in the USA, because there are better regulations protecting workers, but it's also not ideal, because lately also in Europe more wealth was amassed in pockets of the richest and there's no plan to resolve housing issue on EU level, they finally started to think about minimal wage enforced on the EU level, but in general countries look mostly for their own interest, not interest of people in other countries. Do you think that there's some chance for real transformation in Europe? Some say that EU system is neoliberal in the core, so it protects itself from moving into direction of social democracy or similar systems. I noticed that in the USA it took really catastrophic situation for people to actually start to see the…

I know that many people in this sub are in the USA, but what about Europe? In general we don't have as dire situation as in the USA, because there are better regulations protecting workers, but it's also not ideal, because lately also in Europe more wealth was amassed in pockets of the richest and there's no plan to resolve housing issue on EU level, they finally started to think about minimal wage enforced on the EU level, but in general countries look mostly for their own interest, not interest of people in other countries.

Do you think that there's some chance for real transformation in Europe? Some say that EU system is neoliberal in the core, so it protects itself from moving into direction of social democracy or similar systems. I noticed that in the USA it took really catastrophic situation for people to actually start to see the pattern and in Europe, many countries were communist in recent history, so many still believes that any kind of socialism is wrong and they should aspire to free market capitalism like the USA did in the past. Their belief is reinforced by relatively good economic situation in comparison to previous system, but people don't notice that despite that they're getting bigger piece of the pie, there are still groups that benefit even more than workers. We allow Ireland to be a tax haven for years and EU still didn't do anything about it and there are more examples of abuse in Europe, but people ignore them, few talks about it.

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