
What am I even fighting for?

I had to go through an extensive background check and wait 4 months to start this analyst job, which I started in January of this year. The training is subpar, there are hardly any written procedures, the software and computer systems are constantly lagging or data goes missing and has to be reentered, and everything revolves around meeting quality standards. Since I started in January, 4 people have resigned and left the company from an original team of 19. I turned in an 80 page file recently, and it randomly got pulled for audit. Because one data point was incorrect, it failed the quality audit. The data point was biographical and had no bearing on any of the metrics, and was not entered by me, but instead was pulled in from existing system records. But of course, my boss blames me, texted me on my day off about it, and…

I had to go through an extensive background check and wait 4 months to start this analyst job, which I started in January of this year. The training is subpar, there are hardly any written procedures, the software and computer systems are constantly lagging or data goes missing and has to be reentered, and everything revolves around meeting quality standards. Since I started in January, 4 people have resigned and left the company from an original team of 19.

I turned in an 80 page file recently, and it randomly got pulled for audit. Because one data point was incorrect, it failed the quality audit. The data point was biographical and had no bearing on any of the metrics, and was not entered by me, but instead was pulled in from existing system records. But of course, my boss blames me, texted me on my day off about it, and sent an email to the entire team about it. When I emailed an apology for my oversight, as it got pulled in from the system, my boss said no, that they had IT look into it, and that I was the one that entered the information incorrectly.

Did we not just go through a whole pandemic? The response just seemed over the top. At first, I typed a long response with screen shots, as I keep all emails, records, etc. and because I know that I did not create the record or entered the information. But now, I'm just typing up a resignation letter. I don't have another job lined up at this point, but I cannot take the toxic environment anymore, and I definitely don't like being called a liar, as that is an attack on my character. I guess I'm just venting at this point, but it's true when they say people quit bad managers.

Anyway, wish me luck that the next position will be a much better fit.

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