
What are my dad’s possible next steps

Not Sure if this is the correct place to post this. So if not can someone direct me to an accurate sub. Hello everyone, this is probably more of a rant and not sure if I will keep this on. However, on my father recently began substitute teaching again after a long time and was excited to be back. Last Friday there was an incident that occurred. Where the students used the N word frequently. My father had told the kids multiple times he didn't like that word, as he felt uncomfortable hearing that word. The kid asked again what word and my father plainly said the word in response to his question that he didn't like that specific word. There was another sub in the room at the time. After class I assume the kid or one of the kids went to the principal and said something along the…

Not Sure if this is the correct place to post this. So if not can someone direct me to an accurate sub.

Hello everyone, this is probably more of a rant and not sure if I will keep this on. However, on my father recently began substitute teaching again after a long time and was excited to be back. Last Friday there was an incident that occurred. Where the students used the N word frequently. My father had told the kids multiple times he didn't like that word, as he felt uncomfortable hearing that word. The kid asked again what word and my father plainly said the word in response to his question that he didn't like that specific word. There was another sub in the room at the time. After class I assume the kid or one of the kids went to the principal and said something along the lines of, he said the N word without giving full context. My father got called into the principal's office, was asked for his statement and sent home early. Now he has to have a phone call with someone tomorrow about the situation. His employment was with a different company not through that school. He expects to be fired over this situation and is deeply hurt by it. I understand he shouldn't have said the word, but the kid was being persistent. I don't think he should have to lose his job over this. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.

For Context on race my father is white, he said about 90% of the school's population was African American.

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