
What are some of the ways that the world is rigged to keep people in poverty and the rich in power that you believe most people don’t know about? What heinous acts have slid under the radar that you just happened to find out about, either by chance or because of the position you’re in?

Examples: tax loopholes, laws, rulings, things billionaires and corporations have done that are morally wrong that were either covered up or just not talked about, etc. Earn some karma brownies, (philosophical karma, not reddit karma,) and help your fellow humans learn something new. The most effective weapon of control working against us is keeping us as ignorant as possible. Let's sabotage that weapon as much as we can today. *Please specify the country your comment applies to. * **If you come across a comment that you believe to be incorrect, please be kind and just respectfully explain why you believe they are incorrect. We're all making an effort to be informed. Obstacles have been placed specifically to keep us from doing so. The point of this post is to help people get around those obstacles. Please use knowledge to lift people up, not shut them down. For some fucked up…

Examples: tax loopholes, laws, rulings, things billionaires and corporations have done that are morally wrong that were either covered up or just not talked about, etc.

Earn some karma brownies, (philosophical karma, not reddit karma,) and help your fellow humans learn something new. The most effective weapon of control working against us is keeping us as ignorant as possible. Let's sabotage that weapon as much as we can today.

*Please specify the country your comment applies to. *

**If you come across a comment that you believe to be incorrect, please be kind and just respectfully explain why you believe they are incorrect. We're all making an effort to be informed. Obstacles have been placed specifically to keep us from doing so. The point of this post is to help people get around those obstacles. Please use knowledge to lift people up, not shut them down.

For some fucked up reason that I'm still trying to figure out, our worldview is tied into our sense of identity and that causes us to feel attacked and act defensively when our worldview is threatened. Major flaw in our evolution there, and it's fucking us royally up the ass, so let's not do that today.**

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