
What are the qualifications in New Jersey for getting unemployment if fired?

So here’s the deal, I work for a ShopRite in New Jersey. The work culture here has always been relatively toxic towards many workers including myself (I’ve been getting hassled since I started here a little over a year ago) and I’ve wound up snagging a new job starting August 9th working from home. Management has caught wind of this and since then I’ve been put under performance review because my numbers were slightly below the average, written up for having “too much downtime” because I went to the bathroom and threw up 3 times in the span of about an hour, and yelled at just today for being 30 seconds late because my fiancé had to breast pump for our newborn son. It seems like they’re preparing to let me go before I make it to August 9th and if they do, am I covered by unemployment? Would being…

So here’s the deal, I work for a ShopRite in New Jersey. The work culture here has always been relatively toxic towards many workers including myself (I’ve been getting hassled since I started here a little over a year ago) and I’ve wound up snagging a new job starting August 9th working from home.

Management has caught wind of this and since then I’ve been put under performance review because my numbers were slightly below the average, written up for having “too much downtime” because I went to the bathroom and threw up 3 times in the span of about an hour, and yelled at just today for being 30 seconds late because my fiancé had to breast pump for our newborn son. It seems like they’re preparing to let me go before I make it to August 9th and if they do, am I covered by unemployment? Would being below average productivity effect that? Mind you their measurements for being productive are terrible and the pod systems account for things that they shouldn’t (Such as going from one aisle to another to find an item, or having to go across the store to retrieve an item) so even if you’re working hard all day, a lot of luck also plays into it.

Any insight on this would be great, thanks!

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