
What are we actually gonna do about any of this?

I love this subreddit, but instead of just circlejerking each other about how much we all already know we hate working our lives away for greedy employers and corporations, what are we actually going to do about this? How are we actually going to bring about any real, significant change? I ask because I don’t know, and I’m sure others are wondering the same thing. At some point, there has to come a point in time where we are fed up with being fed up, no? There has to come a point in time when just posting/reading about antiwork on Reddit is no longer going to scratch this unbearable itch. Talk is just talk, and although talk can create a massive social movement, movements will never change anything if nobody is actually doing anything about changing the system.

I love this subreddit, but instead of just circlejerking each other about how much we all already know we hate working our lives away for greedy employers and corporations, what are we actually going to do about this? How are we actually going to bring about any real, significant change?

I ask because I don’t know, and I’m sure others are wondering the same thing. At some point, there has to come a point in time where we are fed up with being fed up, no? There has to come a point in time when just posting/reading about antiwork on Reddit is no longer going to scratch this unbearable itch.

Talk is just talk, and although talk can create a massive social movement, movements will never change anything if nobody is actually doing anything about changing the system.

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