
What are you guys plans to break free of the system and live the rest of your life work free?

The idea of spending the rest of my life working at 9 to 5 is terrifying. What are you guys doing to break free of the system and live the life that you want to live? Are we all just trapped here for 10-20 years till we can theoretically “FI/RE” is that the only way out? I get being passionate about doing something for work but that can only go so far until you start crossing the proper balance of spending time with friends and family. I just don’t see a way out right now. With the world the way it is I feel overwhelmed.

The idea of spending the rest of my life working at 9 to 5 is terrifying. What are you guys doing to break free of the system and live the life that you want to live? Are we all just trapped here for 10-20 years till we can theoretically “FI/RE” is that the only way out? I get being passionate about doing something for work but that can only go so far until you start crossing the proper balance of spending time with friends and family.

I just don’t see a way out right now. With the world the way it is I feel overwhelmed.

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