
What are your antiwork feelings and opinions? What brings you to the sub?

Honest question looking for sincere answers, in what way do you describe yourself as antiwork? Are you anti your specific job, your industry, work in general, and/or anti the need to work to live? What would you want to do to improve work/not work at all? Higher minimum wages, worker representation on company boards, decouple insurance from work status or something like UBI? Does being antiwork link with any of your other opinions, like wanting to see investment in renewable energy or cancelling student debt? I'd love to know what brings people here and what being antiwork means to them. I'm not American, I'm curious if antiwork opinions are different *between nations *edit – meant to type between not better!

Honest question looking for sincere answers, in what way do you describe yourself as antiwork?

Are you anti your specific job, your industry, work in general, and/or anti the need to work to live?

What would you want to do to improve work/not work at all? Higher minimum wages, worker representation on company boards, decouple insurance from work status or something like UBI?

Does being antiwork link with any of your other opinions, like wanting to see investment in renewable energy or cancelling student debt?

I'd love to know what brings people here and what being antiwork means to them.

I'm not American, I'm curious if antiwork opinions are different *between nations

*edit – meant to type between not better!

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