
What are your tricks for leaving the office early?

I’m not talking about excuses to tell your boss about why you have to leave early I want to know tips and tricks to go home early without anyone knowing. Examples I’ve seen include: Leaving your jacket and an extra set of keys on your desk to make it look like you’re in the building Not carrying a backpack in/out of the office. Only carrying a laptop at all times to make it look like you’re going to a meeting when you leave Simply leaving your laptop on What are your other tips/tricks?

I’m not talking about excuses to tell your boss about why you have to leave early

I want to know tips and tricks to go home early without anyone knowing. Examples I’ve seen include:

  • Leaving your jacket and an extra set of keys on your desk to make it look like you’re in the building
  • Not carrying a backpack in/out of the office. Only carrying a laptop at all times to make it look like you’re going to a meeting when you leave
  • Simply leaving your laptop on

What are your other tips/tricks?

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