
What can a wealthy person do to help?

I might be r/lostredditors here – so if there's a better place for this question – let me know. I'm not even gonna try to hide it. I'm a trust fund kid. Grew up in private school and after my kid sister (she was 18) died of a heroin addiction I too fell into the life of addiction myself. I've always had a deep hatred for my parents and their fucking money. I cleaned up my act a few years ago and I'm now in my mid-thirties, single and have no children. As I've been cleaning things up I've been given/getting more and more access to funds than ever before and since I'm not spending any of it on drugs I have way too much money. (wild how that happens /s) Recently, my dad a heart attack (he survived) and mom has been losing her battle with cancer. It's very…

I might be r/lostredditors here – so if there's a better place for this question – let me know.

I'm not even gonna try to hide it. I'm a trust fund kid. Grew up in private school and after my kid sister (she was 18) died of a heroin addiction I too fell into the life of addiction myself.

I've always had a deep hatred for my parents and their fucking money.

I cleaned up my act a few years ago and I'm now in my mid-thirties, single and have no children. As I've been cleaning things up I've been given/getting more and more access to funds than ever before and since I'm not spending any of it on drugs I have way too much money. (wild how that happens /s)

Recently, my dad a heart attack (he survived) and mom has been losing her battle with cancer. It's very apparent they aren't going to be around for much longer. So, while nothing is ever guaranteed and my parents money isn't mine – I'd be surprised if I didn't inherit the family fortune worth tens of millions of dollars.

It's gotten me thinking if I can live securely enough on 10-15% or even less of the inheritance – what can I do to make the world a better place. I'm aware I'm no Jeff Bezos or anything, but like – I know I potentially will have enough to make an impact/difference especially if the goal is to help and not profit off of today's problems.

I've started just exploring options – do I give to a non-profit? Start my own? Give directly to people in need? Lobby politically? Like, what would be most helpful? There's so much corruption so I'm just in the beginning stages of trying to figure this out.


I really debated asking this question as I worry about people calling this fake (as people have) – but personally I think questioning stuff is important to society as a whole. If we didn't question stuff – this subreddit wouldn't exist and that's all I'm going to say on that.

Also, I appreciate all the input regardless. These are some really good starting points to research things & go from there – especially giving directly with money on an individual basis, providing educational resources and investing in charities.

Although the charity thing worries me sometimes. Right now, I'm considering that creating a charity organization that pays their employees a stable/living wage would be an excellent way to create a renewable resource for those in need.

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