
What can I do ?

I had a level 1 hearing for a customer complaint. I went in the hearing with a union rep. A customer made a complaint and threatened me in the complaint. The union and rep, did nothing about it and dismissed the complaint. Months later I get another complaint (which is common w the job), the general superintendent tries to go back into the already dismissed hearing which he and the rep assured was dismissed. Now the rep is denying he said that and so is the general superintendent. I asked for video and all of a sudden he has computer issues and only has a picture available. I believe the second complaint he can’t prove so he trying to revisit another which had already been dismissed. He said it wasn’t in writing so it wasn’t final, I asked the union that if a complaint that was dismissed get signed off…

I had a level 1 hearing for a customer complaint. I went in the hearing with a union rep. A customer made a complaint and threatened me in the complaint. The union and rep, did nothing about it and dismissed the complaint. Months later I get another complaint (which is common w the job), the general superintendent tries to go back into the already dismissed hearing which he and the rep assured was dismissed. Now the rep is denying he said that and so is the general superintendent. I asked for video and all of a sudden he has computer issues and only has a picture available. I believe the second complaint he can’t prove so he trying to revisit another which had already been dismissed. He said it wasn’t in writing so it wasn’t final, I asked the union that if a complaint that was dismissed get signed off and they said no. What can I do? I want to write the general superintendent and also the union rep.

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