
What can we do (other than work?) to pay for this winter?

My mom is 57 and works an office job and my dad is 65 and on disability. He’s always snapping at people and complaining, a lot of which is because he’s so stressed about money. Because they’re married and my dad is on disability and all that fun legal bs they don’t qualify for most help programs because of combined income and whatever. My dad can’t work since he can’t stand for long periods of time and things like that, but he fixes tools for people on the side and makes a bit that way. I work seasonal but I’ll be getting a second job and maybe doing some night shifts at the hotel I work at too, but it seems like it’s never enough. Right now I make about 1300-1400 a month, my mom makes a little more, but we live in Canada, our winters are brutal and furnace…

My mom is 57 and works an office job and my dad is 65 and on disability. He’s always snapping at people and complaining, a lot of which is because he’s so stressed about money. Because they’re married and my dad is on disability and all that fun legal bs they don’t qualify for most help programs because of combined income and whatever. My dad can’t work since he can’t stand for long periods of time and things like that, but he fixes tools for people on the side and makes a bit that way. I work seasonal but I’ll be getting a second job and maybe doing some night shifts at the hotel I work at too, but it seems like it’s never enough. Right now I make about 1300-1400 a month, my mom makes a little more, but we live in Canada, our winters are brutal and furnace oil is going up and up and up and my parents are always stretched so thin with money at the best of times. Is there anything we can do, or are we screwed? My dad is stubborn and everything I’ve suggested he’s shot down, like selling the small second property he owns, he insists it’s worth nothing, or selling any of his four vehicles, which he also insists are worth nothing. They keep saying they’re wanting to sell the house and get a smaller one but to nothing to try to sell it or fix it up like they plan. Example my dad has been putting off finishing the work he started on the kitchen for two years. I’m moving back in with them after living on my own for a year in a few days, both to help them financially and because I’ll be going back to school in the spring. Is there anything I can do on the side to make this winter work? Their house is literally always freezing, I thought about seeing if my dad would give me his second property and putting a camper or a microhome on it and renting it out, but I wouldn’t know where to get the startup funds. What do you guys do to survive?

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