
What do I do? Feeling pressured to return to work

Okay so a lot has been going on in my (22F) life recently. To give a little bit of context about the stress I'm under right now, my dad was diagnosed with cancer back in December and is currently going through some pretty brutal treatment, already difficult enough to deal with. My parents are separated and I live with my mum so I actually haven't seen my dad since going through treatment but I've been in contact with him very frequently and checking in with him. Mum has now become very unwell with severe migraines that are actually causing her to get very confused and lose her memory, which I'm terrified about. She's been in and out of hospital about 3 times now in the past 2 weeks, they just gave her some strong pain killers and told her to rest. This then leaves me to look after everyone at…

Okay so a lot has been going on in my (22F) life recently. To give a little bit of context about the stress I'm under right now, my dad was diagnosed with cancer back in December and is currently going through some pretty brutal treatment, already difficult enough to deal with. My parents are separated and I live with my mum so I actually haven't seen my dad since going through treatment but I've been in contact with him very frequently and checking in with him.

Mum has now become very unwell with severe migraines that are actually causing her to get very confused and lose her memory, which I'm terrified about. She's been in and out of hospital about 3 times now in the past 2 weeks, they just gave her some strong pain killers and told her to rest. This then leaves me to look after everyone at home, I have an autistic sister with servre learning difficulties (meaning I have to dress her, wash her etc) and a 14 year old sister too at home. I've been looking after everyone in the house.

This started Wednesday last week, I had to leave work halfway through the day after getting a call from someone who works at my sister's day services saying they had to call an ambulance for mum, and then I didn't return to work until the Monday. From Tuesday until Thursday, I had holiday booked off (I was supposed to be going away for that time but I cancelled that and used the holiday to look after mum). Now yesterday after mum took another bad turn and had just come home from hospital for the third time on the day before, I called into work to say I won't be in and explained the situation.

Boss wasn't happy. He seemed very stressed and annoyed, saying that my colleague in my department won't be in on Monday as she has holiday booked off and I already had a lot of time off. He asked if I could do some work over the weekend from home and I said I can try to but it'd be very difficult to do with everything going on as mum had been wondering around very upset she can't remember things.
To give some context on this, I work admin and design for a small business, there are only 3 people, including me, on my department and one of the 3 hasn't been with us very long so my colleague and I are trying to train her too as well as managing a high work load. So it's all a bit stressful there as it is.
So me being off work does affect the business a lot especially since we are understaffed.

I feel very pressured to go into work on Monday but if mum is unwell still (which is highly likely), I wouldn't be able to leave her and I would need to help my sisters get ready for the day (school and day services). I really don't know what to do, I already have been in contact with my doctors about the huge amount of stress I'm under because I am starting to feel physically unwell.

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