
What do you consider a good work life balance?

In terms of how many hours you’re working, on the clock, a week. I’m curious, what do you think would be the ideal work life balance to shoot for having someday on a cultural/societal level? And then, also, what do you think would be a good work-life balance in terms of what is pretty reasonable/realistic for the average person now? Also, what line would you draw where it’s ‘okay, anything more than X amount of hours is not acceptable’?

In terms of how many hours you’re working, on the clock, a week. I’m curious, what do you think would be the ideal work life balance to shoot for having someday on a cultural/societal level? And then, also, what do you think would be a good work-life balance in terms of what is pretty reasonable/realistic for the average person now? Also, what line would you draw where it’s ‘okay, anything more than X amount of hours is not acceptable’?

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