
What do you consider poverty level or near-poverty level take-home pay for a job requiring a four-year degree?

After taxes and excluding so-so health insurance, what would you consider to be poverty-level take-home pay or something close to it for a 40hrs/wk office job requiring a four-year degree? Just curious what others' thoughts are. I was thinking about what my previous employer (newspaper) paid its reporters and checked the AIER cost-of-living calculator to see what my former take-home pay would amount to today. Anyone who knows teachers get paid poorly ought to take a look at what newspaper reporters get. It's even worse from what I can tell.

After taxes and excluding so-so health insurance, what would you consider to be poverty-level take-home pay or something close to it for a 40hrs/wk office job requiring a four-year degree? Just curious what others' thoughts are.

I was thinking about what my previous employer (newspaper) paid its reporters and checked the AIER cost-of-living calculator to see what my former take-home pay would amount to today. Anyone who knows teachers get paid poorly ought to take a look at what newspaper reporters get. It's even worse from what I can tell.

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