
What do you look for in your workplace?

If you wanted to create a small company (office type) with a few employees what are the bonuses you would like? Of course, appropiate wage with raises and bonuses are a must. For me, I like to not be bothered after my work time and to have a social room where I can heat my food. During the pandemic, the hybrid or remote work became really popular, though it's not very appealing to me personally. What are your thoughts?

If you wanted to create a small company (office type) with a few employees what are the bonuses you would like? Of course, appropiate wage with raises and bonuses are a must.

For me, I like to not be bothered after my work time and to have a social room where I can heat my food. During the pandemic, the hybrid or remote work became really popular, though it's not very appealing to me personally. What are your thoughts?

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