
What do you owe your employer?

My tech comm textbook states that employees owe employers competence and diligence, honesty and candor, cofidentiality, and loyalty. This is fair to me up to “loyalty” because that's a two-way street; being loyal to my job may mean something to me, but if I'm let go at the drop of a hat, where's my company's loyalty to me? They hold all the cards and to demand loyalty is an abuse of power.

My tech comm textbook states that employees owe employers competence and diligence, honesty and candor, cofidentiality, and loyalty. This is fair to me up to “loyalty” because that's a two-way street; being loyal to my job may mean something to me, but if I'm let go at the drop of a hat, where's my company's loyalty to me? They hold all the cards and to demand loyalty is an abuse of power.

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