
What do you think I should do?

I’ve been working at my small town’s hospital over the summer. I’m a janitor for 11 dollars an hour, but in a few weeks I will go back to college. I’ve recently been assigned to cover for one of my coworker’s shifts while he is gone for the week. Today is my first time working his shift on my own, and it is definitely more time-consuming than anything else I’ve done here. Usually the shifts I work aren’t that difficult, so I finish them quickly and get several hours worth of breaks. I asked HR for a raise because of this, but because I’m only a temporary employee, they offered to raise my pay to 12 dollars an hour if I agree to continue covering the shift, since I threatened to not do it for the same pay. Normally they give employees a 50 cent raise, so they probably like…

I’ve been working at my small town’s hospital over the summer. I’m a janitor for 11 dollars an hour, but in a few weeks I will go back to college.

I’ve recently been assigned to cover for one of my coworker’s shifts while he is gone for the week. Today is my first time working his shift on my own, and it is definitely more time-consuming than anything else I’ve done here. Usually the shifts I work aren’t that difficult, so I finish them quickly and get several hours worth of breaks.

I asked HR for a raise because of this, but because I’m only a temporary employee, they offered to raise my pay to 12 dollars an hour if I agree to continue covering the shift, since I threatened to not do it for the same pay. Normally they give employees a 50 cent raise, so they probably like me. I’m not desperate for money or anything like that, since I’m still living with my parents, but I don’t know if the extra work would be worth it.

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